Change your profile picture and the world will become a better place

December 5, 2010 at 2:26 pm (Around me) (, , , )

A campaign to stop violence against children took over Facebook profiles, but did it make any difference to the abused kids?

As Facebook develops people come up with new ideas on how this popular network can be used. One of them is spreading a word about different social issues by creating awareness raising champagnes.

I took part in one of them that suppose to make people more aware of breast cancer. The idea was to write on your status where you like to put your bag. A lot of people joined in, however it seemed to me it was more of some sort of game, and I don’t think it actually fulfilled its purpose.

Now someone came up with an idea to change profile pictures to a carton characters from childhood. I saw a lot of people doing it for the last month but only yesterday I finally learnt why they’re doing it.

This campagne was created to stop child abuse. Did it really? How changing a picture can change a life of an abused child? I think that again this became more of a game than anything.

I completely agree that it’s important to raise awareness about all social issues but I’m not sure this is the way to do it. I wonder how many people after changing their profile picture actually did something to stop the child abuse.

On the other hand this campaign caused a lot of debates, many wondered how this suppose to make a difference. So I guess in a way it was a success because people did spoke more on the subject. However to see if it really achieved its aim we will have to wait for some numbers.

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